Kolorlan Colour of the Day Page

Kolorlan Harmony Collective: Colour of the Day

Interpreting the colour white in the Kolorlan System

…is the colour of the day for the Kolorlan Harmony Collective.

Use this pen from your Kolorlan gel pens to colour however many areas in your geometry that your guide tells you. If you wish to explore the meaning of the colour, then click here to follow this link.

Did you know…? You can also get your own Kolorlan colour card deck with 45 colours and a guidebook exploring the meanings of each colour. The guidebook also shows how you can use the colours to clear blocks in your energy field or invite more supportive energy in, so you end up living the life you truly desire…

If you’ve landed on this page by accident and wonder what this is all about, then I invite you to join our exclusive Kolorlan Harmony Collective. You will receive a special Kolorlan image, a set of Kolorlan gel pens, and instructions for colouring your image. Each day, you come here to get the colour you are going to use. Then, simply follow the instructions in your pack. And, over the course of time (depending on the geometry you chose), you will reveal a beautiful work of art. So, you can then frame that and enjoy the special frequency it provides. Click here to find out more and get your pack now…

I also offer audio-guides for each colour. You can listen as you colour and deepen your experience. If you wish to get the guide for today’s colour, click here to follow this link.

Previous Images from the Kolorlan Harmony Collective

Enjoy this gallery of art that our Kolorlan Harmony Collective members have created in the past. I hope this inspires you to join in if you haven’t already begun. (Click here to find out more).

And, when you complete your own image, please send a photo of it to Katie@findmyenergy.co.uk and we’ll share it here in the gallery!


“Katie’s Kolorlan system combines sacred geometry with the healing properties of colour and the calming, meditative effects of colouring-in shapes. So, you gain all the usual benefits of colouring-in – those moments of focus and concentration – given an extra layer of meaning with Katie’s creativity and guidance. The difference between the Kolorlan System and colouring-in mandalas is that Katie has created her own patterns based on sacred geometry. Your focus is provided by her instruction cards. These guide you to use specific colours from her collection of 15 chakra-related colours. As you colour-in you explore your individual creativity through your choice of colour for specific shapes. It’s amazing to see the variety of colourful patterns that individuals create from colouring-in the same image in their own way.

I found the practice interesting, creative, calming and contemplative – on one level it’s mindful and absorbing – on another level it has the capability to be a transcendent experience.”

Lynne S. 

“Thank you for holding your lovely workshop on Friday. It was great to take some time out for me, in what was a particularly busy week. It felt indulgent to do this but that was a great part of the pleasure too. I really enjoyed using the cards to dictate to me which colours I should use, giving me little challenges to create pleasing designs even with colours I wouldn’t naturally choose. I really also enjoyed learning about what the colours represent, beyond what we might obviously think of. Thanks to this, I felt very relaxed and will definitely be colouring again!”

Suzanne R.