The Find My Energy website grew from my own experience of overcoming chronic fatigue syndrome – even though my doctors told me I would never recover – and finding the energy to thrive.
My name is Katie Dean and I am here to share the incredible insights I gained from that experience. Those insights will show you how to find your energy and how to transform any challenge into an opportunity in order to thrive in your life.
The wisdom I am about to share is not just for people with a chronic health condition. Find My Energy will benefit anyone who is feeling burned out, lost, struggling to cope in any area of life.
You see, the gems I uncovered from my own experience are the keys to unlocking infinite energy, and empowering you to navigate the clickety-clack of life with ease and grace. So, is that what you’re looking for…?
If you said yes, then I invite you to take your first step on what will be an incredible journey…
The First Step…
The first step on any quest or journey is to set your intention. It’s a bit like telling your SatNav the destination you’re trying to reach. You do that by considering three simple questions: What is it that you hope to find? Why is this important to you? How will it improve your life?
You already have an answer to the first question: You are seeking energy and empowerment. But for what purpose? What is your life currently missing which you would gain from finding your personal supply of energy? Take a moment to think about this and then you are ready to take your first step…
That step is… I invite you to read the words on the image below and fill in some or all of the blanks with whatever it is that you wish to do, be or experience when you are feeling energised, empowered and full of life once more. If you’re not sure how to fill in the blanks right now, don’t worry, just do your best. And if it feels a little silly to read this out loud, just read it in your head.
As you do this, just notice how it feels to set this intention… Empowering? Scary? Uncertain? Stupid? Meaningful? Hopeful? Something else entirely? There isn’t a right or wrong way to feel: whatever comes up for you is perfect. Just notice what you experience, without judging it.

Now, you are ready for step two: Which Find My Energy route will help you today?
Excellent job! Now you have begun thinking about your intended destination, it’s time to take step two: Decide which of the Find My Energy routes to explore first. And don’t worry, if you later realise that you would prefer a slightly different destination, it’s easy to change course at any time. Just modify your intention and your inner SatNav will automatically recalculate everything for you.
For now, based on where you are today and where you would prefer to be in the future, which of the following three options seems most helpful for you? Pick the path that most closely matches how you are feeling today, or in general.
(It’s also fine to take little trip down each road: you can easily get back here to try another route at any time!)

Find My Energy, Path One: Navigating the Clickety-Clack
This path will support you in learning to live a peace-filled life, even when the world around you seems out of control, or you are hit with challenges. I am one of the expert speakers on the TV series, Navigating the Clickety-Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World
If you are currently facing any type of problem and feeling confused or overwhelmed, this path will show you how to navigate back to a space of peace. From there, you can begin to meet the challenge in a way that will bring transformation and growth for you.
This is an important foundational step. The feeling of overwhelm, fear, confusion, powerlessness, or whatever you are experiencing, will be triggering your nervous system and actually blocking your body’s natural healing response. Also shutting down the parts of your brain that are designed to respond calmly and creatively in order to overcome challenges. So, simply understanding how the nervous system works, how to soothe it and return to peace, can actually bring amazing results all on its own.
Once you have the tools and awareness to navigate through this stage of a challenge, you are ready to move on and begin addressing the root causes of whatever you are facing.
So, if you feel drawn to this path, I invite you to click on the button below. Then, when you feel satisfied that you are equipped to navigate the clickety-clack, come back here to take your next path on the Find My Energy journey.

Find My Energy, Path Two: Finding the Energy to Thrive
This path will support you in finding the energy to enjoy life and thrive. It is built upon my own journey of recovering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome after twenty years, and being told by doctors that recovery was impossible. The book, Finding the Energy to Thrive: Navigating the Maze of Life and Embracing Your Path to Wholeness shares my story. If you would like to download a free excerpt from the book, follow this link.
This path will help you to understand how your body creates energy, how that energy becomes blocked, and the steps you can take to re-energise yourself physically, mentally and emotionally.
You may have received a medical diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome. On the other hand, you might just be feeling tired all the time. Perhaps you feel close to burn out. This pathway will support you in understanding the root causes for you. It will help you to determine which treatments or practitioners you need to support your recovery. So, this is not going to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition. But it could help you identify your needs and discover how to get those needs met.
It will also support you as you live in what I call “the energy maze” – that place of struggle. So, even if recovery isn’t happening – or not happening as fast as you desire – you can still learn to find more peace living with that reality.
So, if you feel drawn to this path, I invite you to click on the button below. Then, when you feel satisfied, come back here to take your next path on the Find My Energy journey.

Find My Energy, Path Three: The Kolorlan System
Have you ever had that experience where you have a dream you wish to bring to reality? Perhaps it’s your ideal career or vocation. Maybe to experience a loving relationship. Or to optimise your health. So, you set about trying to achieve your goal. You work hard, do your best, and still the reality that manifests isn’t quite what you had in mind.
What if there was a reason for that? And what if you could understand that reason and learn how to create a more desirable reality? In my case, my desired reality was to feel happy, healthy and energised in my body and mind. My quest for that reality led me to study many different modalities, benefit from the wisdom of some incredible mentors, and then create the Kolorlan System. (Follow this link to try a free practice now).
This beautiful system works on multiple different levels. Perhaps you simply wish to relax, to find a way of releasing anxiety, or connect with your creativity. Then, you can use the Kolorlan System to create beautiful artwork and gifts.
On the other hand, you may be looking for a way to reconnect with your true self, to let go of thought patterns, beliefs, behaviours and emotions that are no longer serving you. Make space for new experiences that are more aligned with your soul. Understand who you really are and how to bring your unique gifts to the world. In that case, this system will show you how to use Sacred Geometry and the frequency of colours to reconnect to your optimal human blueprint.
So, if you feel drawn to this path, I invite you to click on the button below and explore how the Kolorlan System can support you. Then, when you feel satisfied, come back here to take your next path on the Find My Energy journey.
Navigating the Clickety-Clack
How do you stay peaceful and calm when challenges arise in your life?
“Katie is a wonderfully warm and supportive individual. She is always ready to listen, very knowledgeable and offers great advice when needed. I like the fact that she also is straight speaking and not afraid to call me out or push me when she knows I need it. I’ve leaned on Katie as a mentor and found her invaluable.“
— Chloe S.
Finding the Energy to Thrive
For those seeking the path to recovery from fatigue, burnout or CFS.
“The best part for me is that Katie provides a safe space to explore symptoms and issues. There is no judgement, just discussions and suggestions on how I could move forward in the areas I wished to work on. Not only have a number of my CFS symptoms improved, but I feel that I have regained some control over health and a better understanding of my condition.“
— Lesley B.
Exploring the Kolorlan System
Transform your life with the blueprint for wholeness and metamorphosis.
“Thank you for holding your lovely workshop on Friday. It was great to take some time out for me, in what was a particularly busy week. It felt indulgent to do this but that was a great part of the pleasure too. I really enjoyed learning about what the colours represent, beyond what we might obviously think of. I felt very relaxed after the workshop and will definitely be colouring again!“
— Suzanne R.

Get to know your Energy guide: Katie Dean, PhD.
After graduating from Cambridge University with a PhD, I originally worked as a corporate strategy consultant, solving problems for businesses of all sizes and across many different industries. I worked with every level, from unknown start ups to FTSE100 businesses that are household names.
A few years into that career, I burned out, and was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). It took me 20 years to recover my energy, but during that time, I also built my own solopreneur business. That supported me financially and paid for the treatment that allowed me to recover from CFS.
This experience was transformational for me, and I knew I wanted to share it to help others. So, (by now, in my late 40s!) I gained my certification in Bioenergetic Health Coaching, a Diploma in Colour Therapy and also trained in NLP, life coaching and use the Tolpakan(TM) Healing Method to support my body. So, I now use my skills and personal experience to help bring transformation to the lives of people who are experiencing the types of problems that I managed to overcome.
I am a featured expert in the TV series Navigating the Clickety-Clack, an award-winning artist, creator of the Kolorlan System, and an author of more than 30 beading books.
Oh, and just before you leave…
I invite you to enjoy two minutes’ of peace and calm, to connect into joy and love. So, wherever you are heading next, you will feel brighter and more peaceful…