The Kolorlan System: a blueprint for wholeness and metamorphosis

Welcome! It’s time to discover your Kolorlan Greetings card meaning. Every colour and shape has its own energy. So, what do the colours on your card represent?

Starting from the beginning…

Kolorlan Greetings Card Meaning step 1, Find My Energy website

The card you are now holding in your hand started life as a blank canvas.

Whoever sent it to you would have had a choice of different designs, all based on geometric shapes.

They picked the design that appealed…maybe it appealed to them, or maybe they felt it was something you would enjoy. (You’ll have to ask them that if you want to know!)

Kolorlan Greetings Card Meaning, step 2. Kolorlan System, Find My Energy.

The Kolorlan Greetings Cards invite the sender to choose from a set of fifteen colours.

If your sender happens to be someone who regularly uses the Kolorlan System, then perhaps they were using the colour cards to help make this choice.

On the other hand, they may have just selected your favourite colours… Or even their favourite colours!

But, there might be a deeper meaning behind this…

Kolorlan Greetings Card meaning, step 3, the secret language of colour. Find My Energy.

You see, these fifteen colours from which your sender chose, all have meaning.

So, if your sender followed the invitation to learn about those meanings, then your card actually contains a hidden message.

Perhaps your Kolorlan Greetings Card meaning is a message of gratitude. The colours represent the qualities that your sender sees and loves about you.

Or, your Kolorlan Greetings Card meaning could be a message of support. So, your sender chose colours that embodied qualities they wished to gift to you. Things like more love, or greater security or knowing that you are valued.

Decipher your Kolorlan greetings card meaning below…

So, now it’s time to decipher your personal Kolorlan Greetings Card meaning. Simply identify the colours used in your card and find out their meanings below. You will notice that each individual colour has many nuances of meaning. Take whatever resonates and has signficance to you, and leave the rest. If you’re not sure how to interpret your card, you can always ask the sender to disclose more about their message.

Kolorlan Greetings Card meaning

The meaning of the colour red

Red is the colour of your first Chakra – the Root Chakra. It signifies:

  • Safety and security
  • Grounding – the foundations or roots of connection
  • Stability
  • Boundaries
  • Leadership and confidence

We associate red with the emotions of anger, power, ambition, confidence, energy. It also symbolises danger, warnings and stop. These symbols are all linked to the ideas of safety and boundaries. So, anger, as an emotion, is the body’s way of letting us know that our boundaries have been compromised and we need to take some action to repair them in order to keep ourselves safe. Receiving red will balance all these energies and help them to manifest in their most positive forms.

When it comes to physical healing, red fortifies the adrenal glands and is good for energy or combating fatigue. It also signifies sexual energy or potency. Red is a colour of warmth and can lift your mood.

Kolorlan system: understanding orange

The meaning of the colour orange

Orange is the colour of your second Chakra – your Sacral Chakra. It is associated with:

  • Emotions and their ability to flow freely
  • Creativity
  • Sensuality or sexuality
  • The ability to determine your needs and desires

We associate orange with the emotions of celebration, abundance, enjoyment, freedom, self-expression. It can also offer a warning or a caution. So, orange offers us the chance to find balance. When we understand who we are, then we can use our creativity and freedom to express that.

On a physical level, orange activates the lungs and thyroid gland. It reduces cramping, strengthens the stomach and stimulates the building of new tissue. It supports the mind in problem-solving and finding new possibilities.

Kolorlan System greetings card meaning for colour yellow

The meaning of the colour yellow

Yellow is the colour of your third Chakra – the Solar Plexus Chakra. It is associated with:

  • Empowerment: this is the ability to express yourself and defend your needs, without overpowering or subduing other people
  • Self-esteem
  • Confidence
  • Willpower
  • Authenticity

We associate yellow with the emotion of joy: it is a natural anti-depressant. It also relates to confidence, clarity and knowledge. So, yellow brings the capacity to share your authentic self, bringing joy to both you and others, feeling clear in who you are and confident in defending yourself or defining your needs, without needing to bully or undermine those around you.

Physically, yellow strengthens the nervous system and the mind. It stimulates the lymph and digestion and cleanses the liver and intestines.

Green colour meaning

The meaning of the colour green

Green is associated with your fourth Chakra – the Heart Chakra. It is associated with:

  • Love
  • Compassion
  • Open-ness and connection
  • Empathy
  • Forgiveness

We associate green with the symbols for “yes” and “go” and “all clear”. We also link it with nature, fellowship and community. It is an emotionally balancing colour, supporting hope, peace, harmony and rejuvenation. However, we can also associate green with greed and envy. So, this speaks to the need to create balance between self and others. When we are experiencing envy towards others, it may indicate a lack of care, compassion and love for ourselves. We seek to feel better by punishing those around us if we think they possess what we lack.

Physically, green aids the respiratory system and stimulates the brain and digestive system. Green is a neutral, calming colour that harmonises and soothes the body. It encourages the growth hormone and cleans and purifies.

Colour blue meaning

The meaning of the colour blue

Blue is the colour of your fifth Chakra – the Throat Chakra. It is associated with:

  • Communication
  • Authenticity
  • Self-empowerment
  • Creativity – it links closely to the Sacral Chakra
  • Truth and purpose

The emotions associated with blue include calmness, faithfulness, loyalty and tranquillity. Some consider blue to be a cold colour. It is honest, sincere, believable, de-escalates situations and can facilitate open and calm discussion. So, blue is great for promoting balance, fairness and justice.

Physically, blue relieves itching and infections. It is cooling and can help to reduce fevers and inflammation. It also supports the thyroid.

Indigo Kolorlan meaning

The meaning of the colour indigo

Indigo is the colour of your sixth Chakra – the Third Eye Chakra. It is associated with:

  • Focus
  • Psychic abilities
  • Clear thinking
  • Making decisions
  • Wisdom

Emotionally, indigo is associated with empathy, transformation and acceptance of reality. This colour can help you to understand and accept your current situation, developing the faith that everything is as it should be. Finding the wisdom to know what you can change, and what you simply need to accept. It is freeing and purifying.

Physically, the colour can aid in healing eyes and ears, relieving tension headaches.

Violet colour meaning

The meaning of the colour violet

Violet is the colour of your seventh Chakra – the Crown Chakra. It is associated with:

  • Meditation and spiritual enlightenment
  • Psychic abilities
  • Inspiration
  • Divine guidance
  • Connection with the Creative Source of the Universe (whatever name you use for that)

Emotions linked to violet are transformation and inspiration, connecting with your purpose and life force. So, violet can assist you in connecting to your dreams and gaining the insights you need to turn them into reality.

Physically, this colour promotes general healing and supports white blood cells and immunity.

Understanding the colour gold

The meaning of the colour gold

Gold is the colour of your eighth Chakra – the Thymus Chakra. It is associated with:

  • Godliness and higher levels of consciousness, a bridge between the physical and spiritual
  • Unconditional love
  • The will of the Soul
  • Self-acceptance
  • Abundance

The emotions associated with gold are altruism, forgiveness, empathy, love. Physically, this colour links to the thymus gland which produces the lymphocytes in your immune system. It is a combination of male and female energy and is related to the capacity for being touched and feeling things. Gold also relates to abundance, security and acceptance. When it is in balance, it helps you to feel conscious of your identity and acts as a channel of Divine love. When it falls out of balance, it can induce feelings of defensiveness, resentment that things have been taken from you, leading to a rejection of self-love, self-care and a tendency towards self-deprivation.

Interpreting the colour silver in the Kolorlan System

The meaning of the colour silver

Silver is the colour of the ninth Chakra – the Thalamus Chakra. It is associated with:

  • Self-knowledge
  • Judgment and awareness
  • Condemnation
  • Psychic abilities and connection to the higher state of consciousness
  • Clarity
  • Strategy
  • Unification and stability

The thalamus is located in the brain. It relates to self-knowledge, judgment and condemnation. It also brings clarity, strategy and the power to stabilise and unify. Physically, it stabilises and neutralises ailments and can support healing and repair. We use silver to solder and join elements. So, at its best, silver will bring awareness and the ability to create supportive, strategic solutions to problems. When out of balance, it can become overly judgmental and self-critical, feeding or creating thoughts of unworthiness.

Understanding blue-black in the Kolorlan System

The meaning of the colour blue-black

This colour corresponds to your tenth Chakra – Galactic 1 Chakra, which is the first of the three Chakras relating to the witness state. This colour is associated with:

  • Connection to deeper consciousness
  • Seeking deep truth and communication
  • Darkness
  • Astral travel

The witness state relates to accessing the part of yourself that can sit back and simply observe and allow the flow. It sees emotions come and go, but does not become them. It is able to remain calm and stable, whether life is flowing smoothly or becoming stormy and uncomfortable. Stepping into the darkness can feel scary, and it can also bring forth great riches. The blue-black element is about exploration and seeking the deeper truth. As you do this from a place of calmness and stability, you remain able to maintain your balance when the truths you discover seem challenging.

Silver-black colour meaning

The meaning of the colour silver-black

Silver-black is the colour of the eleventh Chakra – Galactic 2 Chakra. It is the second of the three Chakras relating to the witness state. It is associated with:

  • Exploring the darkness
  • Alchemizing dark into light to find balance and stability
  • Even deeper states of consciousness
  • Psychic abilities

Silver-black is linked specifically to the idea of bringing in balance. Alchemising the darkness into light as you see the silver linings. Every challenge we face ultimately turns out to be a blessing, bringing us something of value. It may take time to appreciate and understand those blessings. But when we have the courage to step into or face the darkness, we can find the light within.

When we attempt to resist or deny the darkness, we remain at the mercy of whatever we wish to avoid or deny. Again, if we are able to explore from the stable state of witnessing and not becoming the challenges, we can learn the lessons and absorb them with minimal pain and suffering. Our attitude has a strong bearing on how much we suffer. The more we can seek understanding and move from a place of love, compassion and acceptance, the less we suffer.

Interpreting the colour white in the Kolorlan System

The meaning of the colour white

White relates to the twelfth Chakra – Earth Star. This is the third Chakra located within the witness state. It is associated with:

  • Divine light and higher consciousness becoming grounded in the earth
  • Awakening and exorcising demons
  • Cleanliness, purity, simplicity
  • Balance

This Chakra and its related colour balance out the darkness of the other two colours in the witness state. Again, it is important to remember that the witness state is related to rising above and observing the ebb and flow. So, it may feel tempting to seek out the light and reject the dark. This would lead to an imbalance. Think about the silver-black state creating a balance between this state of light (white) and the opposing darkness. We are also a channel that links the spiritual and physical. So, the energies from the Galactic Chakras need to be grounded, or earthed within the Earth Star Chakra, which is located just below the feet, in the earth. That stabilises and grounds us so we are capable of witnessing.

Understanding turquoise

The meaning of the colour turquoise

This is related to the thirteenth Chakra – the Earth Core Chakra. It is the first of the three Chakras located in Universal Consciousness. Within this state, we are getting deep into the fundamental process of creation. This colour is related to:

  • Divine masculine qualities
  • Intuitively seeing the path ahead
  • Awareness and caring for the good of all
  • Harmonising and building a positive future

The emotions associated with turquoise include increased sensitivity and awareness of the needs of others. A desire to protect and serve in the highest and greatest good for all. Turquoise is linked to the divine masculine. This is the quality that facilitates building. We create an idea, and then have to build it to bring it into physical reality. So, this is strongly connected to the core of the earth – the core of our physical reality.

Divine masculine qualities are: strength, balance, certainty, stability, confidence, decision-making, problem-solving, managing, ambition, drive, structure, organization, single-minded, logic/mental analysis, focus, building things, linearity, efficiency, grounded, power, leadership, discipline, purpose/direction, excellence, competitiveness, assertiveness, autonomy/independence and freedom.

Understanding pale-yellow in the Kolorlan system

The meaning of the colour pale-yellow

This is the colour of the fourteenth Chakra – Universal 1. It is the second of the three Chakras located in the realm of Universal Consciousness. It is associated with:

  • Balance of power – uniting the divine feminine and divine masculine in harmony
  • Lightening and brightening the soul
  • The empowerment of yellow, combined with the peace of white

The emotions related to this colour include those linked to yellow: brightness, empowerment, clarity, confidence, and those linked to white: purity, freshness, simplicity and balance. This Chakra unifies the divine feminine and divine masculine in order to create through flow. It is balancing and flows with ease, spreading light and love.

The meaning of pale-magenta in the Kolorlan system

The meaning of the colour pale-magenta

This is the colour of the fifteenth Chakra – Universal 2. This is the third and highest Chakra in Universal Consciousness.

It is associated with:

  • The divine feminine
  • Life purpose and life path
  • Magnetism to attract or repel other people or situations
  • The root of all creation

This colour is linked to the emotions of selfless love. It is powerful and dynamic and also harmonises all other emotions. It supports the use of personal power to create your life’s desire from a place of unconditional love. Physically, magenta supports the circulation, reproductive organs, strengthens the kidneys and stimulates adrenalin and the heart.

This colour relates to the divine feminine, the creative energy that provides the impulse for all of life. The divine feminine qualities are: music, art, creativity, playfulness, non-linearity, accepting chaos, giving, self-caring/nurturing, receiving, flow, sensuality, compassion, intuition/psychic abilities, synchronicities (non-linearity), allowing, acceptance, empathy, relaxation, friendship, community, connection and romantic relationship.

What is the Kolorlan Greetings Card meaning when it contains all 15 colours?

If your sender chose to use all fifteen colours, then you will have a beautiful bright card. And that card has a special meaning. It offers balance in all areas. So, you body and mind will absorb whatever it needs to find more peace, love and joy.

You may like to check: is there a colour that is more predominant in the design? If so, then it is possible that your sender wished to really emphasise those qualities for you… Alongside giving you a general colour balance!

What will you do next?

So, what happens now you have learned more about your Kolorlan Greetings Card meaning? Well, at the very least, you can just enjoy your card. Display it somewhere you can see it and spend some time admiring the colours. Allow yourself to soak in their energy and see how it leaves you feeling.

Now, all this talk of energy and chakras and absorbing colour might be very new to you. Maybe it intrigues you? So, if that is the case, and you would like to learn more about this topic, follow this link.

On the other hand, perhaps it seems a little “out there” or “woo-woo” to you. I mean, do colours really have any meaning? Well, the ancient Egyptians thought so… Colours are actually just waves of light. Our eyes absorb the light waves and our brain translates them into something that we call a colour. So, that’s the physics behind it. The ancient Egyptians – and others through the ages since – understood that our physical body is underpinned by an energy body. That energy body is also in waveform. And it is possible to work with energy in waveform (light as colour) to affect the energy of the body.

Still sounding too unbelievable? Yes, I know – I would have thought so too. It wasn’t until I personally experienced the power of working with energy healing that I realised there is something to all of this. Without having that personal experience, I would probably be sitting here thinking that the idea of using colours – or sound – or just plain “energy” to change anything in my physical reality is insane. So, if you feel that way, it’s OK. Just enjoy your card and think no more of it.

Would you like to make your own card?

Finally, do you like the idea of colouring? How about creating your own Kolorlan Greetings Card meaning to send to someone in your life? You can find the greetings card range at this link.

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