Katie’s Qualifications
If you are going to be trusting me to offer you support or advice, then of course you will want to know whether or not I am qualified to do that. So, here is a brief look at the qualifications and courses I have taken, and how they relate to being able to help you.
Health and healing
Let me start by taking you through the qualifications and courses I have taken, related to health and healing.
Certified Bio Energetic Health Coach
Since August 2022, I have been a fully certified practitioner with NES health. That means I have been fully trained in healthy living and health coaching, bioenergetics theory, and proper use of NES health bioenergetic technology and solutions.
Click here to find out more about how bioenergetic health coaching can help you. And, if this is something you would like to try for yourself, you can also make a booking at that link.
Science of Healing Course, offered by CHI
In November 2022, I completed the Science of Healing Course, offered by the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI). This course shared the latest (as of 2022) scientific research in multiple areas. Research papers included what we currently know about the Biofield, and research studies into the effectiveness of various different energy healing modalities.
I wanted to gain this knowledge to broaden and reinforce the learning I had received whilst training in the NES system.
Various courses on trauma, offered by NICABM
Also during the latter half of 2022, I have completed courses offered by the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioural Medicine (NICABM).
- The Neurobiology of Trauma
- Advanced Master Program on the Treatment of Trauma
- Helping Clients Undo Patterns of Pleasing and Appeasing
- Working with Core Beliefs of “Never Good Enough”.
This gave me the opportunity to study the latest knowledge around healing trauma. I learned from several world-leading experts. Now, that does not qualify me to treat trauma. Nor would I attempt to do that. But, as you will read in various blog posts, trauma is a key element of Chronic Fatigue.
It is important to me to be “trauma informed” if I really want to help people. Why? Well, from my own experience, there is a lot of misunderstanding around what trauma is. So, the way it affects people can have a profound impact on Chronic Fatigue. That misunderstanding can, I believe, be a contributing factor in explaining why some treatments are less effective for some people.
So, if I am going to be interacting with people, I wanted to feel like I had enough awareness to not cause further damage.
Ongoing Study
Since 2016, I have spent a lot of time attending online conferences, immersing myself in books, and taking expert courses. This has all been with the primary aim of improving my own health. But, naturally, I have also learned some valuable skills along the way!
So, I am able to use what I have learned to make suggestions for things that you might want to investigate further. For example, I learned a lot about eating, sleeping and breathing to maximise energy. These examples were all online courses run by Ari Whitten. So, I am happy to share and recommend things that have helped me along the way.
And, even though my own health is so much improved, I have discovered a fascination with learning about the human body. So, I will be continuing to follow these enquiries. Then, using my discoveries to help boost my bioenergetic health coaching. You see, although we may be using technology that focuses on the human biofield, we still need the support of traditional physical health to back up the energy work!
Research and Teaching Qualifications
Quite by chance, and with no idea that I would ever be setting up a website like this, I also have qualifications in other areas that I am going to be using here.
Research: PhD from Cambridge University
On the face of it, the fact that I gained a PhD in history, may seem totally irrelevant here. And, if you are just concerned with my knowledge of Chronic Fatigue and the human body, yes you could be correct.
However, it turns out that a doctoral thesis has less to do with learning historical facts and dates. The skills it really taught me were all about research, analysis and problem-solving.
As you may have realised, the internet is a minefield. So, if you set out to use it to look for solutions to a health issue, you are going to be walking into the Wild West! Now, I quickly came to realise that the skills I had learned in researching a doctoral thesis actually transferred to researching solutions for Chronic Fatigue.
For example, when you are reading an article, think about who has written it? What experience do they have? Do they perhaps have certain biases that might induce them to support – or reject – a certain point of view? Is their research really robust, or just an opinion?
Now, I am not pretending that this means I have everything right. And I do not intend to argue that this is a substitute for scientific knowledge and training… But, I have found this to be helpful in picking my way through the wealth of information that is out there. And I tried to use these skills as I made sense of the confusion.
So, what I am sharing on the Find My Energy website is really the cumulation of my personal research and experience. Some of it will be helpful and relevant to you. Some may not. And, of course, I may be missing entire areas that you need. So, I also encourage you to develop your own discernment.
Teaching Qualifications
Last, but not least, I am also qualified to teach adults.
In 2013, I completed a City and Guilds PTTLS qualification. So, I learned the skills I needed for creating courses and teaching materials, specifically aimed at adult learners.
Again, this is not something that I ever planned to use in this arena. Back in 2012-3, I was actually embarking on my new career as a bead artist. A large element of that career involved teaching the craft of beadwork to adults. Back then, I was teaching in person in a classroom. When I faced my second big Chronic Fatigue relapse, I shifted to teaching via online courses. So, I gained a lot of experience across multiple arenas.
Who knew that I would later be using these skills in a completely different arena?
What does all this mean for you?
Possibly, nothing at all!
But if you are feeling that I might have something to offer you, then I hope that helps to put my experience into perspective. If you are looking for medical diagnosis or treatment, then I am not qualified to help you.
But if you are looking for someone who has experienced Chronic Fatigue, healed, and gained qualifications to coach you, then I invite you to explore further.
So, feel free to continue browsing this website. Or, if you would like a more guided introduction to the materials on here, leave your details below. That will sign you up to my mailing list, and you will receive an introductory guide to what I have to offer.
Whether you are continuing to explore here, or moving on elsewhere, I wish you success in your quest for knowledge and healing. Thank you for reading this!