The Energy Maze. Finding your way from confusion, burn out, frustration to thriving, success, health

Why the concept of the Energy Maze?

There is one thing that underlies all the problems you may be facing. It doesn’t matter whether your problem happens to be Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), or burnout, or a struggle to gain promotion in your career, or build your business. The exact symptoms – and solutions – for each will obviously be unique, but the feeling of being stuck is universal. You probably haven’t realised this, but you’re currently lost in an Energy Maze!

Let me bring you back to that key quote from Einstein, “Everything is Energy.” And the thing about Energy is that it is in constant flow. But whether it is flowing fast and efficiently, or slowly and with difficulty, depends on the amount of Resistance it meets.

So, it’s probably a good idea to consider what we mean by Resistance. Let me illustrate this (metaphorically), using the logo for the Find My Energy website…

Find My Energy Logo: helping you find the path out of your low energy maze

Energy and Resistance

There you are, sitting in the bottom left, experiencing your current problem – the question mark.

Up in the top right is the solution. That beautiful ray of sunshine – the ultimate Energy source – your solution.

Ideally, you would just take a nice short, direct path diagonally from the question mark to the sunshine. But as you start walking along the first path, you may find that isn’t happening.

Perhaps you meet a dead-end and have to turn back. Or you may find yourself going round in circles, covering the same ground over and over again. These are types of resistance. They slow down the flow. You may still be making progress towards your goal, but you are taking a slower route.

So, wouldn’t it be great if you could remove some of those blocks? Get past the resistance and back into your flow? Well, that is what we’re doing when I talk about Transformational Coaching. This is how I can help you on the Find My Energy programs. So, if you want to dive right in and start working with me, your first path is immediately below. If you want to understand more about the Energy Maze concept before diving in, then just keep reading this page.

How does your Energy Maze feel?

Dark image, metaphor for lost, confused, hopeless, in the Energy Maze

Lost, scared, confused…?

If you’ve stumbled into the maze from a horror movie, this may be your experience right now. (Think, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire or The Shining!)

And if it is, then this brings its own set of challenges.

In this maze, you are going to feel as if you are constantly wandering around in circles and hitting dead ends. You fear there may be no way out. It is stressful, perhaps even hopeless. I’ve been there: I know how that felt to me.

But there is a solution, and that’s what Find My Energy is here to share with you.

Pink Dahlias, metaphor for a fun, exciting maze

Exciting, fun, challenging…?

On the other hand, your maze might be the sort that you’ll find at a funfair. Or, in my case, the Maze in the grounds of a nearby stately home (Cliveden). This type of maze is great fun to run around, especially when I’m doing it with my small nieces and nephews!

But it still brings challenges – they just look and feel different.

In this maze, you are going to be racing along blind alleys, losing your sense of direction, and getting nowhere fast. Which may feel like fun at times, but ultimately, your goal – whether that be healing your body, growing your business, or climbing the career ladder – is still going to be tantalisingly out of reach…

…Unless you start to approach the maze differently.

You need to understand how and where your Energy is getting blocked, and then unblock it…strategically! Each of us has a unique maze. Which means that there isn’t a single path out for everyone, but many possible paths. And you need to know which path is going to lead you to your solution.

How do you find your unique path out?

So, let’s imagine that you are seeking to recover from CFS. Maybe one of your blocks is related to nutrition – perhaps a lack of a critical vitamin or mineral. First you need to identify that this is actually an issue for you. Then, correct it. Someone else with CFS might not have any issues with nutrition: maybe this is an area in which they have already worked. For them, the issue might be an over-stimulated nervous system. Again, they would need to understand that this is an area of blockage, and resolve it.

The same logic applies with a business problem. Two solopreneurs may be struggling with the same issue: attracting new customers. For one, the problem may be that the product they are selling isn’t something that people want to buy. For another, the problem might be with the sales message. This business has a great product, but they’re not communicating how it can help people. Again, it is important to identify the actual issue causing the block, and then resolve that.

If you are trying to take a “scatter-gun” approach and just keep trying the next “shiny object” just because someone else said it helped them, you may not be getting results. This “shiny object” may not be the thing that you need. Or maybe it’s the right thing, but at the wrong time.

Well, Duh!…But exactly how do you do this?

Now, I can see you rolling your eyes, and feel your frustration! Of course you know that – you’re not stupid. You’ve probably already been trying to work out how to identify the block and correct it.

So, what is it that I’m claiming to offer that’s going to be different? What’s the magic “thing” that will break you through to the next level this time?

First, working with the Four Levels of Creation model. (You can follow this link to learn more about that). This model helps us understand the flow of Energy. That enables us to identify the root cause of the issue. So, rather than tinkering with solutions at surface level, we can get to the real root.

Second, Bioenergetic coaching is designed to read what is happening in your Energy field and detect the precise blocks. Then correct them. And you can follow this link to find out what that means.

Third, Transformational coaching, which is designed to unlock the blocks that are holding us back, but which lie in the subconscious. This means we are not aware of them or how they are impacting our lives. So, to understand the incredible impact that has, follow this link and I will explain in more detail.

The coaching and programs I offer all pull in the most powerful combination of these elements. So, you really can unblock those paths and move smoothly through your personal Energy Maze.

One more element to the Energy Maze

Hyacinth Flower Growing: the Four Levels of Creation

Healing or growth is a process, not an event

That isn’t just a “cutesy” meme, by the way. It’s an incredibly wise piece of advice that will serve you well.

The Energy Maze also represents the concept of healing and growth. Moving from your original place of stuck-ness to your new place of health, wealth, freedom, or however your solution appears, is very much a process.

Yet, many of us don’t fully appreciate this. We may approach our problem with the intention of finding the one thing that will solve it. Or perhaps we are expecting change to happen overnight.

And these expectations can completely derail our healing or growth. So, I am also here to help you avoid the type of setbacks that result from creating unhelpful expectations.

Hyacinth in bloom, Find My Energy

Mother Nature understands this…

We can find much wisdom simply by looking at the natural world. The hyacinth you see to the left didn’t just appear overnight. It went through a growth process, shown in the image above.

You are going to be doing the same. That’s not to say that breakthroughs or giant leaps forward won’t happen. I have experienced plenty of breakthroughs.

A few months after my first CFS crash, I managed to double my energy levels in just two weeks, simply by making a change to my diet.

As I was building my beading business, I tripled my sales one week, just by creating a regular newsletter.

So, yes, small shifts can create massive change.

Sticking to the paths and being realistic

However, a breakthrough is not necessarily the same as a solution. So, doubling my energy felt fantastic, until I realised I was still facing a bunch of other symptoms that didn’t simply disappear because I had increased my energy.

Tripling my sales was incredible, until I realised I needed to find a way to maintain this new level of sales. Not to mention, grow it even further.

So, the Energy Maze metaphor is also there to remind you that this is a process. One path will move your forwards, which feels great. Then you will need to walk another path. Some paths forwards take you a long way. Others may not feel quite so progressive. The trick is to keep on walking. Just because you didn’t reach your destination at the end of the first path, doesn’t mean it’s not the right path. We often need to build in layers, and keep building over time. If you forget this and give up too soon, you are simply going to remain stuck in the maze.

Free resources you can use right now

I have put together a couple of ebooks that you can download for free to get some really helpful tips for solving your problem.

If you are working on a health issue, my ebook called What Healing Really Feels Like is going to be massively supportive. This is a great resource to help you understand what to expect on your recovery journey. And it will be there to prop you up on days that feel challenging. So, click on the button-link to request your free copy now.

If you are working on an issue that relates to your business or your career, I have another free ebook coming out soon to support you.

Your first path out of the Energy Maze

Are you ready to take your first path? You can continue to explore the other main concepts behind the Find My Energy programs. Just follow this link if that is your chosen path.

Or, you can start moving right now. Select from the three options below to start working on your actual problem today.

Find your energy. Book a free scan to learn how to boost your body's energy today.

The best part for me is that Katie provides a safe space to explore symptoms and issues. There is no judgement, just discussions and suggestions on how I could move forward in the areas I wished to work on. Not only have a number of my CFS symptoms improved, but I feel that I have regained some control over health and a better understanding of my condition.

— Lesley B.
Image of a flower, inspiring positivity, on the Find My Energy website. Chronic Fatigue help.

Within two weeks I wasn’t feeling tired all the time and I keep on seeing improvements every time I take a new scan and get my latest Infoceuticals. As I feel better in myself, this is feeding through and I have more energy to put into my business, so that is benefitting too. This is really getting to the root of the problem and it feels amazing!

— Kate S.
Find My Energy, transform your life.

Katie is a wonderfully warm and supportive individual. She is always ready to listen, very knowledgeable and offers great advice when needed. I like the fact that she also is straight speaking and not afraid to call me out or push me when she knows I need it. I’ve leaned on Katie as a mentor and found her invaluable.

— Chloe S.